Naturally Mama.

From one natural mama to another…

I am Woman. Watch me Lactate. January 26, 2011

Filed under: Breastfeeding — Naturally Mama @ 8:43 pm
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I make milk. My body brews a concoction that can prevent and cure sickness, heal wounds, and nourish a tiny body until it grows 2 feet tall with nothing more needed for a good year or more sometimes. I can look at my child one day and say “I did that. He grew because of me.” What is so “gross” and taboo about seeing such a miraculous act performed?

I don’t want to get into how breastfeeding is best, Facebook disrespects women’s rights by banning breastfeeding support pages/pictures or make formula feeders feel shamed (because I formula-fed my first child before coming to know what I know now and choosing differently for our family). These have been discussed many times over recently (and with good reason!) so there’s not much to add. What I do want to get into is this:

What is so wrong about feeding my child when my child is hungry?

It’s a simple question, but one that is often answered with invalid, unthoughtful and immature responses. I don’t scoff at formula feeders. I don’t stare at something I’m offended at (for no good reason) and make someone feel uncomfortable for it. I applaud Mothers who do the best for their children. I stand behind and support Mothers who take the time and energy to do something selfless and wonderful for their babies. Why would anybody want to do the opposite?

What have you done lately to support a breastfeeding Mother?


The No ‘poo Method of Hair-washing: Day One December 17, 2010

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I have really oily hair. It doesn’t matter what shampoo/conditioner I use, if I use conditioner at all, or how many times I lather, rinse and repeat… by the end of the day, my hair is oily in the front and I’ve usually pulled it into a ponytail or thrown it into a bun as to not openly share that fact with the world.

Recently, within the past 2 weeks, my scalp has also been itchy and flaky for the first time in my life. Huge flakes all over my head for all to see. My head was itchy all day long. I decided it was time to change what I was doing, yet I am not willing to pour dandruff and dry scalp chemicals on my head- regular shampoo/conditioner chemicals are bad enough.

I heard about the No ‘poo method of  cleansing your hair some time ago and I thought it was a little radical and I was very skeptical to even try it. How in the world was baking soda and water going to clean my hair when shampoo- suds and all- wouldn’t even do the trick? I needed something STRONGER, not weaker… right?

I saw a video on the Internet and it sounded easy. I had the ingredients right in my cupboard. I really had nothing to lose. So, I went for it. I mixed 1 TBS of Baking Soda with 1 cup of water into an old shampoo bottle. I then brought the apple cider into the shower with me (I was a little hasty and didn’t watch the whole video… it’s supposed to be diluted! lol) and poured that straight onto my scalp. I absolutely HATE the smell of vinegar, and I know I’m not alone in this. But the video promised that once you rinsed it out, it would not smell of vinegar.

So I shook up my no ‘poo mix and poured it onto my head. It just felt like cold water. I rubbed it all over my scalp and into my hair. It felt so good on my itchy scalp, but actually made it itch more at first. I let it sit for a minute and I rinsed. Then, it was time for the vinegar. I really wish I would have watched the whole video to see that you mix it with water! But instead, I poured it straight onto my head. It burned my sensitive scalp, but not in a painful way. It was VERY relieving. I let that sit for a minute also, and rinsed. Very, very well.

When I got out of the shower, I had my Husband smell my hair and he said it smelled like apple cider, not vinegar. I couldn’t smell vinegar either, and could hardly smell anything at all. If only the apple cider scent of the vinegar can be smelled after being applied undiluted (and it was a faint scent at that), then I’m sure it’s pretty much scent-less when diluted.

I blow-dried my hair afterwards (I had somewhere to be, otherwise I don’t usually blow-dry).  It was super soft when I brushed through it wet. It was clean and shiny after blowdrying it and brushing through/styling it. Stayed looking clean ALL DAY LONG. This morning,  it still was not oily. I have not itched my scalp since! I haven’t hopped back into the shower today yet, so we’ll see what it does to my hair over the coming weeks. So far, so good!


Organic and Natural DIY: From Dog Shampoo to Mascara December 14, 2010

Filed under: DIY Projects,Green Living,Home,Natural Living,Organic Living — Naturally Mama @ 7:21 am

I’ve compiled a list of some of some natural & organic DIY recipes. I haven’t tried most of them, but I plan to try almost all of them. Check ’em out- there are some great ideas!


“Shampoo and Conditioner” (no ‘poo)

Organic Facial

Face Wash- Oil Cleansing Method

Green Tea Facial Wash and Toner

Body Cream, Mineral Blush, Lip Balm and Face Mask

Natural Chapstick

Mineral Eyeshadow

Natural/Organic Mascara

Mineral Foundation



Organic Dog Food (that’s easy to make and inexpensive!)

Organic Squash Dog Cookies

Organic Flea Shampoo (Trying this tomorrow)

Organic Cat Food

Cat Treats


Wipes, Baby Powder, Wash and Baby Oil

Baby Wipes

Baby/Kids Mobile (Love this!)

Crinkle Tag Blanket

Diaper Changing Pad


Non-toxic Cleaning Kit

Various Types of Household Cleaners (Click through the arrows above the picture and look to the right of the page for recipes)

Wool Dryer Balls

Natural/Organic Carpet Cleaner

Organic Ant Traps

Organic Garden Pest Control

Non-toxic Air Freshener


Air Freshener

Eco-Friendly Car Wash

Have any recipes of your own to share?


Life Without a Microwave: 2 Weeks and Counting December 10, 2010

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So first, I want to admit a few of things in regards to getting rid of our microwave…

  1. When I first heard that microwaves are bad for your health, I chalked it up to a bunch of nonsense. Of course, this is before I researched it. So, I ‘knew’ about the health hazards for quite some time and simply ignored them while zapping my food to eatable temperatures.
  2. I didn’t think I could do it. How could we really get rid of the microwave? What about leftovers? And… lazy tea, lazy quesadillas, lazy… everything else?
  3. I was pretty sure my family was going to resist. My Daughter and her Dad are 2 peas in a pod: they bore both always right even when they’re wrong, and they both have a tendency to resist change. I had made a lot of recent modifications and eliminations in regards to our health and natural living. Sometimes I feel as though I might overwhelm them, even though I try to slowly introduce new ideas and ways of living.

So now that those confessions are out of the way, I am happy to report that I do not miss my microwave. I can’t believe how much better things taste cooked in the oven, a toaster oven or on the stove top. Things that I would usually heat up in a microwave would come out floppy, or hard in spots, or cold in some spots, hot/warm in others… no more! Food is cooked quickly, evenly and with better flavor!

The family was surprisingly easily converted. My Husband had his reserves at first, but transitioned beautifully! (Bravo, Honey) My daughter didn’t even really think much of it, as I mentioned the upcoming change a couple of times over the course of 2 of weeks to prepare her. So when she saw we made the switch, she didn’t complain and jumped right in to learn how to use it. Such a champ.

Also, an unintended bonus: You eat less ‘convenient’ crap without a microwave. You might think this would inconvenience you and be a lot of work, but I pretty much don’t buy anything frozen these days and it’s not much more work at all. And when you pass by that freezer section, you think twice- saving you money. I actually enjoy what I eat now and feel good about it.

Have you researched the effects of microwaves on your health? Here are some of the highlights:

  • Microwaves change the molecular structure of your food into something your body cannot properly recognize and break down.
  • Microwaves severely diminish nutrients in your food. Researchers found that after heating breast milk in a microwave, over 90% of disease protecting agents were eliminated. Same type of results with other foods.
  • Microwaving food causes biological effects such as destabilized metabolism, brain circuitry destruction, hormonal imbalances and brainwave disruptions.
  • Microwaved food has been linked to cancer and tumors.

The (horrific, in my opinion) list goes on. Here are a few good places to start in your research, which I hope you will do if you haven’t already. Let me know your thoughts and it if you decide to make the switch, keep me updated. I would love to know how goes!


Tickles and One of Those Days. December 9, 2010

Filed under: Baby Milestones,Breastfeeding,Everyday Baby Stuff,Family,Parenting — Naturally Mama @ 8:24 pm


I start this post on a very happy note: Cohen laughs when you tickle him. Sooooo stinking adorable! He’s ticklish on his upper arms, especially on the right side. I could have spent hours tickling that baby, but I don’t think he would have enjoyed it for that long. My little Turtle Man will be 3 months in a week!

Now onto the real reason for my post: it’s been one of those days. I’ve had a lot of self doubt lately, anxiety about the health of my baby (when he looks to be completely healthy) and regrets about parts of my life (which keep resurfacing). The self doubt I usually just push away without really thinking too much about it and then it just creeps right back up- only for me to push it away again. I guess I’m doubting that I’ll follow through with everything that I want to follow through with- because I get caught up in the moment of things and small things consume my whole being- making me irritated at the world for what the world would probably see as no good reason.

My Husband told me yesterday that sometimes he’s apprehensive to talk to me about certain things because I’ve been so irritated in general lately… and when he said that, I thought “What the hell are you talking about?” but then today, something small went wrong, which made something else go wrong with pissed me off and overwhelmed me so I stomp off to the bathroom and as I’m peeing I yell to my Husband “You’re right! I need a chill pill!” …if only I took pills just to chill.

And this is what’s been bothering me the most: I am constantly worried about Cohen’s health and development. Is he growing fast enough, gaining enough weight, meeting the right milestones, is he developmentally delayed (although I have no reason to believe so), does he have some kind of tongue tie (although I’ve been told he doesn’t… the tip of his tongue is always on the roof of his mouth however, and nobody will validate my concerns)…Why am I constantly worrying about if he’s ‘normal’? I will love him no matter WHAT. And he is what he is, there’s no changing it. I did the same thing while I was pregnant with him… excessive Mama worry. I knew it was terrible for me and for him, yet I couldn’t push it away and still can’t.

If you’ve read any of my past posts or you know me personally, you probably know the breastfeeding issues that we have. I have Insufficient Glandular Tissue, or so I’ve been told it’s more than likely what is going on since there’s no true scientific way to diagnose the condition. I cannot, for the life of me, after trying with every OUNCE of my being for 2 months straight… *Deep breath in* …make enough milk. *Deep breath out* I’m trying to come to terms with this, and the fact that I have to use donor milk to feed my son. He stopped wanting to latch to my breast when the SNS isn’t attached because apparently he now realizes what it does and how much faster the flow is with it. I’m literally (gently) forcing him to drink from my breast. He’s drinking less and less and it tears me up.

BUT… to wrap it up and keep this post from being an hour long… I have no choice but to come to terms with it. So, I’m trying. I love my son and I absolutely love breastfeeding, but our breastfeeding relationship is strained, always has been, and I hate that. Things could be worse, however. I could make no milk at all, right? Right. Also, with the insane amount of worry has come so much joy and happiness… new experiences, amounts of patience and more love than we thought we had left in us.



36 Questions to Ask a Potential Midwife

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I came across my list of questions that I asked my Midwife at our consultation. She let me ask every single question, answered them thoroughly and did not rush me for the hour and a half we were there. I think this is all of them, but I might be missing a paper since they were not attached. Some of these questions my not apply to your specific situation. Some good questions to ask, Anyhow. Enjoy!

  1. How often will you want to see me for prenatal visits?
  2. Do all visits take place in your office?
  3. What days/times do you schedule visits?
  4. How much time is usually allowed for visits?
  5. At what point in labor do you want us to call you?
  6. At what point in labor will you head to our home?
  7. Do you have a birth ball or other equipment that you will bring?
  8. Can you tell us about the birth kit and medications you will bring to the birth?
  9. Is oxygen carried to all births?
  10. What do you consider ‘slowly progressing labor’ and how do you handle it?
  11. Under what circumstances do you recommend induction?
  12. What methods do you suggest to induce labor under those circumstances?
  13. What are your protocols for breaking the bag of waters?
  14. What do you consider prolonged pushing and how to you handle it?
  15. What is your protocol regarding fetal monitoring during labor?
  16. How do you feel about a Doula being present at the birth?
  17. What comfort measures do you encourage during labor?
  18. How do you feel about eating/drinking during labor?
  19. Are there any restrictions on photography or video-taping during labor/birth?
  20. Do you have anything against the baby being birthed into my hands, or my Husband’s hands?
  21. How hands-on are you during labor? Do you insert any past of your fingers or hands into the vagina during the active pushing stage?
  22. Do you support newborn assessments being done in my arms and after bonding?
  23. What are our options when it comes to opting out of the Vitamin K and eye ointment?
  24. Do you give a Hep B shot?
  25. Will you deliver breech?
  26. How far past the ‘due date’ will you deliver?
  27. What do you use to stop a postpartum hemorrhage?
  28. If there is a complication or emergency, are you able to accompany us to the hospital?
  29. What problems/issues will you handle on your own and what would require a transfer to the hospital?
  30. What are your infant/mother mortality rates?
  31. What is your hospital transfer rate?
  32. How do you feel about water birth?
  33. How many water births have you attended?
  34. Any water birth concerns or past complications?
  35. What is the desired schedule for follow-up care?
  36. How is the filing of the birth certificate handled?

I could probably come up with 4 more to make this post ‘40 questions to ask a potential midwife’ but I’m feelin’ a little lazy 😛

Have some questions to add? Leave it in a comment for others to see!


Menu Planning Monday: Frugal Vegetarianism (One Day Late!) December 7, 2010

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I’m recently a second time around vegetarian and this time, vegetarianism is here to stay. I’m also not the best cook and very impatient when it comes to cooking (I’m working on this). I scour the Internet for cheap and easy vegetarian meals every week and it takes a lot of time! So I figured “Why not share what I come up with? Someone will find these useful.”

I hope I’m right 🙂

*I use almost all organic ingredients.

Monday: Yesterday, we had Spaghetti with whole wheat noodles, tomato and basil sauce (pre-made in a jar), whole wheat bread with butter and garlic seasoning, and steamed broccoli. I cut up fresh organic broccoli and freeze it in a large ziploc bag to have on-hand.

Tuesday: Veggie Burritos.

Wednesday: Parsley Fingerling Potatoes and Pasta E Fagoli with corn.

Thursday: Vegetarian Chili (my own recipe) and Golden Sweet Cornbread.

Friday: Pizza. The bad-for-you-kind.

Saturday: No-crust Quiche and French Bread, buttered and baked in the oven.

Sunday: Rice and Black Beans and Quinoa Salad (this recipe says red, but I’m using regular).

I would love feedback if this is something anyone can use. Feel free to leave me a comment!


DIY Daily Family Memories Journal

I briefly mentioned how I was going to be recording an event everyday in life life of my children. Things they say, things they do, etc. Family moments that I don’t want to forget. Just something small written each day- one sentence to a paragraph long. I made a run to Michael’s Craft Store late last night to gather supplies: $7-$8 for everything (I already had the Mod Podge).  If you have other supplies on hand, it will be even cheaper.


  • 2-4 pieces of scrapbook paper
  • Notebook
  • Mod Podge
  • Paint or foam brush
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Embellishments (optional) I used ‘pearl stickers’

Step 1- Cover back of notebook. Line paper up with outer edge. I used a clip to keep it in place.

Step 2- Trace.

Step 3- Cut.

Step 4- Mod Podge. Start at the outer edge with the Mod Podge and work your way in and onto the front cover. Be sure to press and smooth paper to ensure no bubbles form.

Step 5- Repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 for the front except this time, line paper up with the spine of the notebook. Leave a little paper slack at the spine.

Step 6- Coat the entire notebook in Mod Podge. This seals it securely and it dries clear. Feel generous when applying Mod Podge, especially over seams, edges and corners.

Step 7- Get creative! This is where it gets really fun. I bought 4 scrapbook pages with the same theme and had 2 leftover after covering the notebook. I cut out details from the remaining 2 and scattered them over the notebook- using Mod Podge under and on top.



Step 8- Final touches. Add lettering, gems, pearls, etc. I covered all embellishments and stickers with Mod Podge as well, so they would stay secure.

Here is the finished product:






100 Goals for 2011. That is NOT a Type-o. December 5, 2010

Filed under: Goals — Naturally Mama @ 6:52 pm
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In my last post, I mentioned that I would be making 100 goals for the coming year. Yep- ONE HUNDRED. Big and small.
These are going to be typed in no particular order, as they come to me.

  1. Get rid of plastic cups/bowls/utensils and trade for glass & stainless steel.
  2. Switch from Teflon to Stainless cookware.
  3. Get a new toaster oven. Thanks for the free one Sis, but it’s on its last… piece of toast.
  4. Replace body care products with all-natural and organic products as the products we currently have run out (because we’re too poor and I’m too frugal to throw the ones I have out!).
  5. Make my own homemade cleaning supplies.
  6. Buy some plants that suck up VOCs in the air. See more about this here.
  7. Learn to sew. I bought a machine and I’m gonna use it!!!
  8. Finish learning to crochet.
  9. Lose 20 lbs.
  10. Switch from Bare Minerals foundation to EcoGlo Minerals foundation.
  11. Switch mascara to something much better for my body than my current mascara. Have you heard of Skin Deep? It’s a database of cosmetics and their safety ratings. Pretty awesome.
  12. Figure out some kind of system for the paperwork that floats around the house. Suggestions anyone?
  13. Acquire enough cloth diapers to be able to skip a day between washings. ah, to dream…*
  14. Purchase essential oils.
  15. Try Spirulina. I purchased some powder and have yet to try it. Read more about this superfood here.
  16. Organize and go through upstairs storage room.
  17. Replace at least 2 windows in the house.
  18. Volunteer 12 hours minimum. One hour a month. That doesn’t seem overwhelming and seems like a good start.
  20. Push judgments of people out of my head. I shouldn’t even be entertaining those negative thoughts.
  21. Keep all dirty laundry in laundry baskets. This has a lot to do with getting my HUSBAND to do so as well :/
  22. Finally paint the 2 doors in my bedroom. The only 2 brown doors in the house.
  23. Go to the dentist. We’ll see about this one… My phobia always gets the best of me.
  24. Start using cloth wipes exclusively for Cohen, at least when at home.
  25. Find a talent/hobby that can bring in some money.
  26. Save money.
  27. Pay off all credit cards. Hopefully with taxes.
  28. Get adjusted @ the Chiropractor.
  29. Install reverse osmosis water filter, at least on the kitchen tap.
  30. Get chlorine filter for shower.
  31. Switch to BPA-free toothbrushes
  32. Eat my favorite food…pizza…only *crying a little bit* once a month. *crying a little bit more*
  33. Detox from refined sugars. So addicted it’s not funny.
  34. Redecorate Hailey’s room. At least revamp it a bit.
  35. Find shelves and put them up in living room. At least revamp it a little.
  36. Read 10 books front to back without skipping boring parts. I tend to lose interest easily, so this will take some effort. I’m not too much into fiction, so I sometimes skip the boring parts of educational/parenting books, etc.
  37. Finish Cohen’s scrapbook.
  38. Write one thing about Cohen, Hailey and our family life a day for a year.
  39. Actually use my reusable shopping bags for shopping.
  40. Take my pile of plastic bags to be recycled.
  41. Cover my laptop in stickers. Black is boring.
  42. Paint wooden letter blocks for Cohen’s name.
  43. Look into homeschooling and decide if I’m going to pursue it or not.
  44. Have Hailey join some type of social group (she wants to try Girl Scouts).
  45. Convince Evan to get rid of the TV in the bedroom. We don’t ever use it, anyhow.
  46. Meal plan every single week.
  47. Donate money every single month.
  48. Donate goods to homeless shelters, women’s shelters, etc. instead of Goodwill. Goodwill is a great organization, but I’ve paid many-a-salary with how much I donate to them. Some things are put to better use elsewhere.
  49. Send random thank you cards to people and organizations who have made a difference in my life.
  50. Have more patience with people I don’t know.
  51. Have more patience with people I do know.
  52. Spend more time with my outside family.
  53. Make someone feel special just because.
  54. Get together with a Mama group or form my own in my town.
  55. Go to more community functions and events.
  56. Find a church to go to.
  57. Promote breastfeeding to the community and local businesses.
  58. Make my own natural chapstick, lotion, and/or soaps.
  59. Spend a few extra bucks buying something from a WAHM that I would normally buy elsewhere.
  60. Shop locally and support small businesses as much as I can.
  61. Encourage others to shop locally and support small businesses as much as they can.
  62. Make homemade granola.
  63. Start taking a better multi-vitamin.
  64. Have Hailey start taking a better multi-vitamin.
  65. Bake cookies for a neighbor.
  66. Smile at people at times when I usually wouldn’t (when appropriate, of course!)
  67. Buy purple converse. My hot pink ones are living their last days, I think.
  68. Try 5 healthy foods I would never normally initiate trying.
  69. Get rid of the clothes I keep that I will never wear…
  70. Find better cloth diaper detergent. I’ve heard great things about Rockin’ Green.
  71. Make living room feel more like home. It’s a little bare and not very inviting.
  72. Talk Hailey into getting a hair cut.
  73. Get  my hair cut.
  74. Take more pictures of everything/everybody.
  75. Get CD player for Cohen’s room and lots of music for us to sing and dance to.
  76. Visit my last employer before Cohen turns one.
  77. Shop second hand as much as possible. I already shop second hand a lot of the time, but there are times when I could buy used and don’t, usually out of convenience.
  78. Paint frames that have been sitting upstairs for a year, put pictures in them and hang them downstairs.
  79. Find a place for a bookshelf and fill it with books!
  80. Be more careful when recycling: labels, lids, etc.
  81. Find 5 new (to me) bands/artists to listen to.
  82. Take Miyah on more walks.
  83. Be more physically active, myself. Walks, yoga, etc.
  84. Remember everyday how short life is and how I must take everything in and appreciate it while I am being given the chance to.
  85. Cut out coffee except for a few times a year. Right now I have decaf a few times a month.
  86. Make at least one craft with Hailey each Holiday.
  87. Work with Hailey on her math skills more.
  88. Sweep daily- I need to get into this habit now since we have pets and hardwood and Cohen will be scootin’ and crawlin’ before I know it.
  89. Make a food stockpile so we aren’t continually having to go to the store for things we should have on hand.
  90. Use less paper.
  91. Clean oven. I’ve never done this since we bought it… 2 years ago? I tried, but smoke filled the house :/
  92. Gather blankets the whole year and donate them to the homeless in December 2011.
  93. Look into eco-friendly mattresses for all of us. Expensive, but our health is worth it.
  94. Spend less time on the computer.
  95. Watch a sunset with the family.
  96. Take a vacation- even if it’s just for an afternoon.
  97. Travel somewhere in Oregon or Washington where I have never been.
  98. Get a juicer and use it every day.
  99. Talk to my Husband when things are on my mind.
  100. Remember to love myself for who I am and who I want to be. Not hate myself for who I’ve been or who I wasn’t before.

There you have it. 100 goals, big and small for 2011.


Note to Self: Staying up Late…

Filed under: Everyday Baby Stuff,Parenting — Naturally Mama @ 1:43 am

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Note to self: Staying up into the wee hours of the morning is nothing short of STUPID. When you do this, it never fails that your 2 month old will wake up at 4am, less than 2 hours after you fall asleep, and be ready to rock the day. Who are you to tell him that he’s supposed to be tired? If you hadn’t mindlessly stayed up getting a DIY tutorial ready and wasting tons of time on Facebook doing other important things [which could have waited], you wouldn’t be half-way asleep, ranting in your blog at 4:31am.